Wednesday, November 21, 2012

How is it now called "Women's Health Care"?

As we were reminded in the recent election cycle, the issue of abortion is now almost exclusively referred to as a “women’s health care” issue or perhaps a “woman’s health care decision.” Hence the alleged “evolution” of how we are to think of abortion is now complete.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Accept his love and rejoice in it—never doubt it

I just finished reading through Daniel in my devotions.  Daniel has long been one of my favorite Bible characters.  He ministered during uniquely difficult times.  Israel was in exile, disconnected from the Jerusalem, the temple and many of the means of grace he had previously provided to his people in order to maintain a relationship with him. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Truth-Driven Vote on Tuesday, November 6, 2012

There is only one way any thinking, truth-driven Christian can vote Tuesday on the proposed constitutional amendment to uphold a traditional understanding of marriage.  That is to vote “yes.” But we must not allow ourselves the luxury of thinking that this amendment if passed is a definitive answer.