Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Root Problem...our ever-quickening departure from God

At times, certain things happen that quite literally make us feel sick.  Normally, a big news event would have us chirping about it—getting other perspectives—feeling anxious to share the big news with those who hadn’t heard.  Not this one. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

View him in the context of the Gospel

This morning, I was listening to a local radio station before coming in to work.  The News Director reported a story about a street preacher who is “one of the men who has been causing all the trouble at Bentleyville,” the local Christmas Park I mentioned in my last blog.  He immediately corrected the obviously biased statement with an awkward ad-lib amendment, “er, at least the one causing trouble for the city and for the founder of Bentleyville.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Greater Scandal

Recently in our community, a scandal has broken out over--of all things, preaching the gospel.  Each year, the city has contracted with a private party to host a Christmas park of sorts with piped in music, concessions and most centrally—a vast and truly dazzling display of Christmas lights.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"brand plucked from the fire"

This morning, I spent my entire time in Bible study in one of my favorite and most vivid Old Testament pictures of the gospel in Zechariah chapter three.  This high priest/prophet ministered to the Jews after their return from exile. The Jews were very discouraged during this period because the reality of being back in their homeland had not met their expectations.