Monday, July 29, 2013

The Creator of marriage ALONE has the right to determine the definition and parameters of marriage

As we approach the inauguration of gay marriage in Minnesota, let’s think about why this is a very bad idea.  First, on a purely practical level, changes impacting the culture as profoundly as this one should never be made in a hurry.  It’s difficult to miss the obvious irony of people’s deeply held and dogmatic support of gay marriage today when it was in fact, hotly debated—even among social liberals less than two years ago. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Supreme Court decisions in support of gay marriage

How are those of us who hold to the sanctity of traditional marriage to respond to the recent Supreme Court decisions in support of gay marriage? Rather than take the well-travelled road of bluster followed by retreating to lick our wounds until the next cultural crisis, let me suggest a better way. That is—instead of exerting our energies criticizing the dark forces that are tearing down yet another treasured traditional institution, let’s look in a mirror. If you look at the roots of this cultural decline, you will see that—as with many broad and seemingly rapid cultural shifts, (e.g. the sanctity of life) this breakdown of our understanding of marriage has been neither rapid, nor is the homosexual community and their powerful advocates the fundamental perpetrators. We mustn’t think the recent Supreme Court decisions are the cause of this current cultural change; they are instead, symptoms of it.